

The nutrients from the food we eat ultimately go into the blood after digestion and absorption. This blood travels to the kidney for purification. Thus, the food we eat directly affects the kidneys. Furthermore, in cases of kidney disease, the excretion of wastes and toxins from the blood decreases and accumulates in the body. Patients with kidney disease should consult nutritionists about foods that minimally affect the functioning of the kidneys.

Our Offerings

  • Kidney disease (Dialysis): Kidneys purify the blood by removing toxins and waste metabolites. Consuming the diet with the advice of renal dietitians helps control the buildup of waste and fluid in the body. It slows the progression of the disease and reduces the symptoms associated with kidney disease.
  • Kidney disease (Non-dialysis): Appropriate nutrition in kidney disease patients offers several potential benefits. It prevents infection, provides energy, maintains a healthy body weight, avoids loss of muscle mass, and slows kidney disease progression.
  • Renal stones: The role of a nutritionist is crucial in managing and preventing the recurrence of kidney stones. Kidney stones also increase the risk of chronic kidney disease. The risk of kidney stones includes the intake of particular types of food. Malnutrition is also a risk factor for kidney stones.
  • UTI: Certain studies have reported that a deficiency of nutrients, such as vitamin D, increases the risk of urinary tract infection. Further, spicy foods, coffee, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, acidic foods, and artificial sweeteners worsen the symptoms of urinary tract infections.