
Surgical And Palliative

The stress of surgery on the body results in increased energy and protein utilization. Perioperative nutrition, which involves the supply of essential macro- and micronutrients and, protein, is an integral component of a speedy recovery. Nutritional therapy also plays a vital role in managing the symptoms, sustaining functional abilities, and improving the quality of life of patients under palliative care.

Our Offerings

  • Nasogastric feeds: Nasogastric feeding is the process of delivering food through the nasogastric tube. A nasogastric tube is a small tube that travels from the nose to the stomach. Patients unable to swallow medicines or food are provided nasogastric intubation.
  • Feeding jejunostomy tube: The jejunum forms the middle part of the small intestine. Feeding jejunostomy is the procedure of delivering the feeds directly into the jejunum. The surgeon places the tube into the jejunum in the cases where there is no access to the nasoenteral route.
  • Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: It is a procedure done to deliver the nutrition into the stomach by placing the G-tube. The surgeon performs this procedure in patients who have difficulty in swallowing. Causes of difficulty in swallowing are head and neck cancer, brain injury, and stroke.
  • Total parenteral nutrition (TPN): Through total parenteral nutrition, healthcare professionals deliver a specialized form of food to patients through veins. The primary aim of TPN is to prevent or correct malnutrition. TPN is indicated in patients with small bowel obstruction, chronic intestinal obstruction, sepsis, major fractures, and polytrauma.
  • Pre- and post-operative nutritional care: Managing adequate nutrition before and after the surgery helps to reduce complications and improve recovery after surgery. The patient should take advice from the surgeon and the associated nutritionist about the diet to be followed before and after surgery.