
Head And Neck Cancer

Head and neck cancer includes cancers of the oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity, and salivary glands. Several advanced surgical options are available for treating neck and head cancers.

Our Offerings

  • Endoscopic Transoral Resection: It is an advanced treatment option for managing oropharyngeal tumors. It is a minimally invasive technique that involves using an endoscope to visualize and remove the tumor or lesions.
  • Transoral Laser Microsurgery: It is a type of surgical intervention that uses a laser to manage laryngeal and other oral and neck cancers. It is becoming increasingly common due to its advantages of less tissue damage and a relatively higher level of organ preservation.
  • Transoral Robotic-Assisted Surgery: Transoral robotic-assisted surgery treats oropharyngeal cancer with high precision and accuracy. The surgery is performed through an endoscope, robotic arms, and a computer console.
  • Oral Cancer Surgery: Oral cancer surgery is performed to manage several types of oral cancers that may or may not spread to nearby lymph nodes. The procedures performed include maxillectomy, laryngectomy, mandibular resection, glossectomy, and dissection of neck lymph nodes.
  • Salivary Gland Cancer Surgery: Several surgical options exist for managing salivary gland cancer. These include removing a part or the entire salivary gland, lymph node resection, and reconstructive surgery.
  • Flexible Robotic Surgery: Flexible robotic surgery is one of the most advanced techniques for managing neck and head cancer. It allows the surgeons to access areas of the hypopharynx, oropharynx, and larynx that are difficult to reach manually.
  • Vocal Cord Stripping: Vocal cord stripping is a technique in which the surgeon removes an outer layer of the vocal cord. It is performed in cases of early-stage vocal cord cancer or to conduct a biopsy for diagnosing cancer. Speech is preserved during vocal cord stripping.
  • Cordectomy: Cordectomy involves removing a section or the entire vocal cords as a part of a treatment strategy for pharyngeal cancer.
  • Laryngectomy: It involves the removal of a part of or the entire larynx for the treatment of laryngeal cancer.
  • Pharyngectomy: The surgical removal of a section of or the complete pharynx is known as a pharyngectomy.
  • Tracheotomy/Tracheostomy: It is a procedure of creating a hole in the front of the neck and inserting a tube into the windpipe to assist breathing.