

Cholecystectomy is a surgical intervention to remove the gallbladder. The gallbladder is located below the liver. It stores the bile synthesized by the liver. The surgeon recommends cholecystectomy in various conditions, such as gallbladder inflammation, gallstones in the bile duct and gallbladder, gallstone-induced pancreatic inflammation, and larger polyps in the gallbladder.

Our Offerings

  • Preparing for Cholecystectomy: Patients should follow all the instructions of the surgeon and inform the surgeon about a history of allergic reactions to any medications. Patients should avoid taking medications that increase the risk of bleeding, such as aspirin. The patients should not eat or drink for at least 4 to 6 hours before the surgery. Cholecystectomy is an outpatient procedure, and the patients are discharged on the same day. However, sometimes patients may stay in the hospital for a night. Patients should plan accordingly for this stay, such as keeping a toothbrush or comfortable clothes.
  • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: It is a minimally invasive surgery performed to remove the gallbladder. This procedure involves the use of a laparoscope for cholecystectomy. The surgeon creates a small hole in the abdomen and inserts a laparoscope. The laparoscope provides a detailed image of the location of the gall bladder. The surgeon then makes a few other small incisions and inserts the instruments for removing the gallbladder by visualizing the surgery site on screen. The surgeon closes the wound after surgery.
  • Traditional Surgery: Laparoscopic surgery is not appropriate for all patients undergoing cholecystectomy. In such cases, the surgery is performed through a conventional procedure. During this procedure, the surgeon makes a single large cut in the abdomen and pulls back the tissues and muscles to expose the gall bladder. The gall bladder is removed, and the wound is closed with stitches and sealed with a bandage.
  • Post-operative Care: Appropriate post-operative care is essential to improving surgical outcomes. Patients should follow all the instructions of the surgeon, primarily related to their diet, medications, and taking care of the wound. Avoid strenuous activities for 1-2 weeks after the surgery. Patients should consult the doctor if they have a fever, redness, swelling, or discharge at the incision site, as well as, and abdominal pain or cramping.