Causes for the childhood obesity

A survey by WHO released in June of this year revealed an alarming fact that 14.4 million children in the country have excess weight. The two yearlong research stated that though the numbers are comparatively less than USA and China, the obesity among the kids is growing faster in the developing countries like India.

A 6 months study on 18,000 students of age group 5 and 18 from 27 schools indicate that 10% students were overweight. The count of the obese girl children is lower to that of the boy children. However, the number of obese girls have increased drastically in the girls aging 12 years and above.

The overweight or the obese children are at the higher risk of developing chronic diseases in their adulthood. It is high time the Indian parents draw attention towards the everyday routine of your little one.


Everyone including the children, go through stress. It is one of the most important factors attributed to the childhood obesity. Most of the teenage and young adults develop unhealthy eating and sleeping habits due to stress. Stress has an adverse influence on the childhood obesity.


Indian families enjoy the food. Indian food tastes good and everyone in the family enjoys it multiple times in little quantities. It is a totally different debate if Indian food is healthy or otherwise. However, everything is fine as long as it is in moderation. Monitor your child’s food intake. Avoid junk food. Help them eat healthily and educate them why they have to eat healthily.


1/4th of Childhood obesity attributes to the hereditary factors. Talk to the pediatrician or the general physician and discuss your child’s condition. If you think your child’s obesity is a hereditary condition, consider the professional advice and seek necessary treatment as suggested by the supervised health care specialist.

Lack of Awareness

The most important part of raising a child is to understand and cater to their needs. All family members play a vital role in the child’s growth. It is important for the family to understand and be aware of the childhood obesity. The first and vital step in addressing the problem is awareness.

If your child is obese, please understand that it is not the child’s fault. Don’t get into the blame game, instead do your best to educate yourself on the obesity, its implications and the effects on the child. Slowly, but consistently make necessary changes to the child’s everyday routine. Partner with the child in the games they play. Allow your child to play outdoor games with their friends. Introduce them to the water sports and help the exercise as frequently as possible. Consult the paediatrician and make necessary changes to the diet.

Prepare an activity chart and monitor your child’s performance. Discuss the routine with the healthcare specialists and seek the much-needed advice.